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Cornhole Standings

Monday Spring Sunset Cornhole League Spectators Bar & Grill

  Team Wins Losses Draws Points
1   Los Cornholio 16 1 0 246
2   Cornhole cowboys 16 1 0 271
3   Team Hazard 15 2 0 351
4   LBP Brewing 14 4 0 380
5   That Dog'll Hunt 11 6 0 337
6   Cornholios 8 8 0 418
7   Corn Stars 8 8 0 471
8   Old Bags 6 12 0 609
9   Air Bags 5 12 0 638
10   Corn Syrup Stirrup 4 12 0 552
11   Huskers 4 13 0 563
12   Eddie Bauer 2 15 0 634
13   Eye Rollers 1 16 0 652
How are Standings Calculated?
OTS Cornhole Scoring
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.
Overtime Sports
820 bald eagle
Bozeman, MT 59715
(337) 322-0927